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What you need to know about Herbal-Drug Interactions

What you need to know about Herbal-Drug Interactions

Evidence that Adverse Drug Interactions Occur from Herbal-Drug Interactions and Non-Prescription Drug Interactions. “Natural” is widely perceived by the public to ensure safety. However, studies show drug interactions with active pharmaceutical agents, and...

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Suicide Rates Rising in the United States

Suicide Rates Rising in the United States

U.S. Suicide Rates Rising: Now the 10th Leading Cause of Death Over the past 19 years, U.S. suicide rates have increased in every state except Nevada. Suicide now stands as the tenth overall leading cause of death in the United States. Suicide was the second leading...

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WHO Just Released ICD-11: 5 Notable Changes

WHO Just Released ICD-11: 5 Notable Changes

The World Health Organization has released the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Here are a few of the notable changes. ICD-11 is completely electronic with 40,600 more codes for injuries, diseases and cause of death than ICD-10....

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New CRC Screening Guidelines

New CRC Screening Guidelines

According to the new crc screening guidelines the American Cancer Society (ACS) released May 30, 2018 colorectal cancer screening should begin at 45 years old rather than 50. (4) Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common cancer diagnosed among adults in the...

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First FDA approved CGRP Blocking Migraine Prevention Med

First FDA approved CGRP Blocking Migraine Prevention Med

The first migraine prevention medication was approved by the FDA in May, 2018. Pharmaceutical companies Amgen and Novartis designed the CGRP receptor blocking monthly injection Aimovig (erenumab-aooe) as a game changer for those who suffer from migraines. Aimovig is...

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The Predicted Effects of New Hypertension Guidelines

The Predicted Effects of New Hypertension Guidelines

It has been six months since ACC/AHA changed the hypertension(HTN) guidelines, effectively reclassifying 31 million more US adults from ‘high or elevated blood pressure’ to HTN. The new hypertension guidelines define HTN Stage 1 as systolic from 130-139 or HG...

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Robots for Nurses

Robots for Nurses

With predicted deficits in the nursing workforce and an increasing focus on positive patient experiences and outcomes, robotics specialists are stepping in to create solutions. Here are a few recent and pending inventions to assist nurses.   Save Time on Vitals...

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Act to Protect Medical Volunteers Introduced to the House

Act to Protect Medical Volunteers Introduced to the House

In 2017, the US had 16 natural disasters. Drought, wildfires, flooding, freezing, severe weather, tornadoes, and three hurricanes. Hurricane Harvey affected 13 million people from Texas to Kentucky. 300 volunteer organizations stepped up to help. Hurricane...

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Preparing for New Year’s Eve with PEPID

Preparing for New Year’s Eve with PEPID

The numbers are staggering. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) there are an average of 300,000 drunk driving accidents per day. It’s a problem magnified during the holiday season, capped off by New Year’s Eve. PEPID is here to help you prepare. Here’s a...

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Repercussions of the Wildfires & How to Treat Them

Repercussions of the Wildfires & How to Treat Them

California wildfires are ravaging thousands of acres of land in California. Many displaced victims will be seeking treatment away from home with many problems associated with the fires. Here are the most common health problems emergency departments will see. Click to...

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World AIDS Day: 3 Reasons to be Optimistic

World AIDS Day: 3 Reasons to be Optimistic

World Aids Day is Friday, December 1. It's a day to bring awareness to HIV/AIDS, a disease that took more than one million lives in 2016 alone. Luckily, we’re closer than ever before to finding a cure. Here are three methods that could hold the keys to curing this...

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Killing Cancer with CAR-T Cell Therapy

Killing Cancer with CAR-T Cell Therapy

There’s a new immunotherapy approach that could change the way cancer is treated in the future. It’s called CAR-T cell therapy and it’s showing promising results in small clinical trials treating children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and adults with...

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ASHP’s 75th Anniversary … Will We See You There?

ASHP’s 75th Anniversary … Will We See You There?

  We’re very excited to announce that the PEPID team will be attending the 75th Anniversary ASHP conference. ASHP's Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition brings in more than 25,000 pharmacy professionals, making it the largest gathering of pharmacy...

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5 Ways to Help Patients Quit Smoking

5 Ways to Help Patients Quit Smoking

An estimated 480,000 Americans die each year from issues associated with smoking cigarettes. According to the CDC, tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of death in the United States. Even worse, these illnesses cost more than $300 billion each year -...

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