Although the world wide web is an excellent resource for finding restaurants, ordering products, and learning about your latest hobby, it is not reliable or credible as a medical reference, even as a quick image search. Evidence-based, peer-reviewed tools are non-negotiable when it comes to choosing the right reference for healthcare providers.
With PEPID, providers access more relevant and accurate graphics right within their clinical decision support product or EHR. Every month PEPID ads more images, flow-charts, illustrations, and other visual graphics to its collection of profession-specific products. Providers can access the graphics from the image library or conveniently from within relevant monographs. Images within monographs are highlighted in blue. Select the ‘view image’ link to open a thumbnail, and expand by selecting “Full Screen” on the image thumbnail. Zoom in and out with the buttons under the full-screen image.
View Examples
PEPID’s graphic library includes 1800+ illustrations, 1200+ radiographic images, MRI’s high definition images, graphs, flo-charts, diagrams, tables & 750+ videos. Each month more images are included with each suite. View some examples of monographs with images below.