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In a galaxy many light years away…Planet Earth is engulfed in an international state of unrest and disunity. As humans and aliens alike take a stand for equality and systematic reform, thousands are sustaining potentially fatal injuries that need medical attention.

Exploring the next frontier while mastering ninja-like tricks is fun… until someone’s arm gets cut off with an electric sword. All Earth healers are urged to act as first responders and ensure their spacecraft or portable communication device is equipped with PEPID.

Below are some of the most common ways space can injure and kill:

High Voltage Electrocution

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

  • High voltage electrocution with/without LOC and/or arrest
  • Myoglobinuria secondary to thermal burns
  • LOC and amnesia for events prior to shock


Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

  • ABCs
  • Assess need for C-spine precaution, intubation, or ventilatory support
  • Psychiatric evaluation

Interstellar vacuum breech

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

Plasma gunshot wound

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

Plasma stab wound

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

Prolonged cold exposure

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

Hand Amputation

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

  • Dress wound with gentle compression dressing soaked in sterile saline or LR
  • Keep amputation site high and tight
  • Wrap dismembered part with soaked gauze and place in plastic bag
  • Transport in container cooled with ice

Mechanical crush injuries

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

  • Prevent hypovolemia and renal failure with IV NS at high infusion rate

Slow digestion by subterranean carnivore

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

  • Apply sterile, soaked gauze
  • Pain management and antibiotics
  • Debridement of large bullae

Childbirth complications

Patient Problems

Priority Interventions

Healthcare authorities recommend all Earth healers to always carry the following:

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